Some sleddies got together this morning to support their friend, Sparky, who recently lost her brother.
Sweet Sparky has been a bit out of sorts after Buddy's passing so with help of a couple sleddie friends and a walk in the forest, she was able to have a break from her day-to-day and get some new sniffs in. Summer has hit us here in Victoria, BC, and it's been day after day of sun and warm temps, so a morning walk in the woods was refreshing and welcome. Joining Sparky was Blue and Zuzu (formerly Zouave) and low-riders, Frankie and Ollie. I know I've said this before, but because I mostly only see sleddies when they arrive into care, it's such a cool thing to see them after they've had time in their new homes. Time to decompress, time to be dogs. And today was no exception. Blue came into care in Feb 2023 as part of an intake of 14. (read about Blue's arrival here: and Zuzu arrived in September 18, 2023. I may have an extra soft spot for this guy as I picked him up from the airport myself and got to deliver him to his foster home (5 mins from my house!)... and I think I still have his fur embedded into my car seats ( Sparky has some arthritis so while she kept up with the group, it was Blue and Zuzu who put on the mileage. The zoooooomed along paths, jumped over stumps and even had a wallow of sorts in some mud (*ahem* Zuzu!). But not to worry, there was also plenty of time to: refuel at various treat-dispensing machines (aka humans), show off skillz (Blue's treat catching), avoid the camera (Sparky) and stretch out those looooong sleddie legs (Zuzu). Thanks to the crew who was able to make this forest bath for Sparky. Our community has said goodbye to a few too many friends over the last while because age and/or illness has a way of catching up with our sleddie family, but the crew steps up to support when and how they can. Like today. It's a remarkable group. So please enjoy the photos of today's adventure - but before you begin, I would like to point out I finally got one photo of Sparky looking at me (!), Blue's photobomber of a tail and Zuzu's stillness in the Blue-catching-treats series! ;) Sleddie roll call: Sparky (white socks), Blue (one blue eye), Zuzu (floopy ears) along with low-riders Frankie (yorkie adjacent) + Ollie (pom adjacent) For more on the sleddies in this post, click on their name over to the right under 'Categories' or use the search option located on the home page. Sleddie roll call: Smokey, Patsy, Pluto, Apex, Mary Kate, Roo, Jon Snow, Baloo, Jasper, Portia, Louie, Argus, Blue, Oman Though it's been over a month since this rainy walk in the woods, I remember it all very clearly. The dogs, the people, the flooded trails, the bike racers. Me abandoning my camera for my camera phone because my body was sore from holding my beast of a camera for over 40 dog photo sessions in the previous 2 weeks. And then putting all that aside to try to just 'be'. Though I still took some video while talking to dogs and offering treats. And then I pushed my luck by talking to Apex just one too many times while offering him a treat, which proved to be a bit much for our delicate walkie relationship, so Deb was going to have to head into the bushes to coax him back from 'the dark side' as she calls it. Deb was already managing 4 dogs -- 3 of her own (Apex, Roo + Mary Kate) and one recent intake who was moving foster homes, Jon Snow. Since Roo and MK would want to be with her, once she headed into the woods, I took the leash of the odd man out, Jon Snow. I didn't even think about it, I just did it. Something had compelled me to take that leash. And then as we started I walking I wondered what I had done. Jon was a big boy and a bit of a puller. Some sleddies pull, some don't... Jon did. My greatest fear walking a sleddie is it getting loose and being too scared to come back -- and with my painful body I was suddenly worried. But the muscle memory of years of walking both shelter dogs and sleddies clicked to the 'on' position and off we went. We walked with Ally and Argus, though puddles, around puddles, up hills where I appreciated the bit of pulling help, and down hills where I thought "don't let go, don't trip, don't fall"! Maybe Jon knew just how much tension I could handle because we made it the rest of the forest walk without any problems and best of all... no lost dogs!! (including Apex who was fine once I was out of sight... sigh...) As we milled about in the parking area with the others Jon did some circles - a common behaviour with sleddies due to their time spent on chains - but then the circles went around me and my legs ended up cocooned in his leashes. I managed to unravel myself without falling over and laughed a bit to myself. I'm not usually the one in these situations, I usually capture it happening to others. But here I was and I was loving every minute of it. As some began to leave it was a split moment when I happened to catch Jillian's dog Portia stumble getting into her car and Jon Snow noticed it too because he then put his front legs up on me in a 'hug'. Of course it seemed like the cutest thing and others saw him do it too, but then I realized why he was doing it, he had gotten scared. Some sleddies want to bolt, some look to the closest warm body. Thankfully Jon came to me rather than bolt away. I gave him reassurances and a few kisses on his head and after about 20-ish seconds he put his feet back down on the ground and shook it off. Recovery... yay Jon Snow! I'm thankful I saw that happen because it not only informed us of Jon Snow's fears, but it hit home the concept that something seemingly innocuous as a dog doing a small stumble while getting into a car... across a road -- an action that barely makes any noise and doesn't seem like much -- can be scary to a dog that's learning about our big, wide, weird, human world. Sleddie School is always in session with the dogs as teachers, we just have to be open to listening. Here are a few photos as well as a video so you can enjoy a bit of the walk too! xo wendy p.s. Jon Snow has since been adopted and his new family just adores him!! I was up way past my bedtime last night for the arrival of these 14 loves - 8 adults and 6 puppies. Some had been kept on heavy chains connected to frozen urine encrusted wooded boxes. Some were in pens. All were living outside in northern Canada up until a couple days ago. Think that's cool? Nope. It's really f-ing cold. The sled dog tour industry isn't all it's hyped up to be. I've been documenting the post-working lives of sled dogs for over 10 years and every time I meet a new group into care, I take a moment to tell each one that it's going to get better. The arrival can be very scary and everything they've known, whether it's good or bad, is thrown out the window and it's back to square one. But the one thing I've learned is that sleddies are resilient and do their best to make sense of our seemingly random human world. Welcome to a whole new world: Ying, Yang, Yale, Watsit, Keni, Baloo, Blue and her 3 pups and Willy and her 3 pups! This time I made a video of their arrival... it's about 5 mins long so grab a cup o' tea. xo |
July 2024