I Was A Sled Dog Too, Part Two
Super sleddie counter: 265
As of: June 2024
As of: June 2024
I Was A Sled Dog Too, an addendum to part one, and a place to share images of all the former sled dogs (sleddies) I've photographed since 2012.
How many sleddies is that you ask?
Look at the counter above!
I've met more for sure, but for some reason I don't have photos.
You can get to know 59 of the sweeties below as they're featured in Part One of this project.
The idea of a part two came about as I was making my way through Part One - makes sense, I know, but I realized that there was no way I would get all the sleddies into my little studio in my corner of the world - some have moved, some live too far away and some have passed away, so I wanted to make sure that every sleddie I've ever met and photographed made it into this project in some way. I want to make sure that every one of their names is shared and that a face can be put to the name because giving them a presence and space in this world is part of standing up for them.
To be honest, I had no idea that I'd be doing a project like this for this long. A project that would evolve from basic 'Adopt Me' profiles for our local shelter all through reunions, travel, 300-page photo books, social media pages, countless hours of photography, editing, talking about sleddies, walking with sleddies, culminating in a decade of advocacy... with more projects in the wings. In hindsight, I may have approached things differently at the outset - catalogued images better, ensured I had clear photos of each dog - but such is life and I will do the best I can with what I've got because ultimately, between Part One and Part Two of this project, along with 'The Sled Dogs of Whistler', I have given a face to the names of dogs that have become ambassadors for change. And by showing the diversity of dogs used in the industry, it will hopefully open up conversations and people will see them as what they are... dogs.
Sled dogs are an often forgotten group. 'Living' (and I use that word in the lightest sense because most just exist, not live in any way, shape or form that most would agree our dog friends should) away from the public eye, what is seen during races and on sled-pulling tourist attractions is a kind of romance... whether it's the heroic tales of dog and man battling the elements in long-distance races, or the beauty of being pulled along the snowy tundra behind a group of dogs. In both cases, the dogs have no choice. They don't choose to run 100 or 1000 miles in sub-zero temperatures. They don't choose to pull sleds to earn their keep. To be subject to frostbite, heatstroke, greater incidence of arthritis and disc disease, mental health issues and cancers. To not be covered by the same animal protection laws afforded the dogs who live with us in our homes.
To be discarded when no longer useful.
How many sleddies is that you ask?
Look at the counter above!
I've met more for sure, but for some reason I don't have photos.
You can get to know 59 of the sweeties below as they're featured in Part One of this project.
The idea of a part two came about as I was making my way through Part One - makes sense, I know, but I realized that there was no way I would get all the sleddies into my little studio in my corner of the world - some have moved, some live too far away and some have passed away, so I wanted to make sure that every sleddie I've ever met and photographed made it into this project in some way. I want to make sure that every one of their names is shared and that a face can be put to the name because giving them a presence and space in this world is part of standing up for them.
To be honest, I had no idea that I'd be doing a project like this for this long. A project that would evolve from basic 'Adopt Me' profiles for our local shelter all through reunions, travel, 300-page photo books, social media pages, countless hours of photography, editing, talking about sleddies, walking with sleddies, culminating in a decade of advocacy... with more projects in the wings. In hindsight, I may have approached things differently at the outset - catalogued images better, ensured I had clear photos of each dog - but such is life and I will do the best I can with what I've got because ultimately, between Part One and Part Two of this project, along with 'The Sled Dogs of Whistler', I have given a face to the names of dogs that have become ambassadors for change. And by showing the diversity of dogs used in the industry, it will hopefully open up conversations and people will see them as what they are... dogs.
Sled dogs are an often forgotten group. 'Living' (and I use that word in the lightest sense because most just exist, not live in any way, shape or form that most would agree our dog friends should) away from the public eye, what is seen during races and on sled-pulling tourist attractions is a kind of romance... whether it's the heroic tales of dog and man battling the elements in long-distance races, or the beauty of being pulled along the snowy tundra behind a group of dogs. In both cases, the dogs have no choice. They don't choose to run 100 or 1000 miles in sub-zero temperatures. They don't choose to pull sleds to earn their keep. To be subject to frostbite, heatstroke, greater incidence of arthritis and disc disease, mental health issues and cancers. To not be covered by the same animal protection laws afforded the dogs who live with us in our homes.
To be discarded when no longer useful.
"progress is impossible without change, |
-> please hover over or click on photos below for details; alphabetical and chronological name indexes found below gallery
If you have a sleddie and would like them to be a part of this project, please contact me.
NAME INDEX - alphabetical
NAME INDEX - by year met
Abby, Ace, Angel, Apex, Arctic, Argus, Arwen, Ash, Ashley, Aussie B Baloo (BigBoy), Bamboo, Barca, Batman, Beamie, Bear, Bella, Berta, Betty, Big, Biggie, Birch, Black, Blizzard, Blue, Blue's puppies 1, 2 +3, Boo, Bowser, Bran, Bruno, Bubba, Buzz C Cain, Calli, Cally, Camino, Candy, Cane, Cap, Casey, Catty, Cello, Centurion, Charlie ('14), Charlie ('17), Chase, Cherry, ChiChi, Chief, Chocolate, Cleo, Clyde, Cocoa, Cola, Colby, Comet, Copper, Coyote, Cruz, Cuddles, Cutie D Daffy, Daisy, Dave, Digger, E Eagle, Echo ('18), Echo ('22), Elwen, Eskobar, Eva F Farmer, Felix, Fiddle, Flash, Ford, Frankie G Gadget, Galute, Ginny, Gino, Goldie, Goofy, Goose, Gracie, Gretzky, Grey, Griffindor H Hailey, Heineken, Herman, Homer, Honda, Hooters, Hopper I Ice ('13), Ice ('21), Idéfix, Igloo, Inky J Jack ('17), Jack ('22), Jasper, Jeff, Jet, Jo, Johnny, Jon Snow, June(bug) K Kawasaki, Kayla, Kayou, Keeva, Keni, Kepler, Kerri, Kilo, Kirby, Kirika, Kismet, Kit, Knik L Lady, Lefty, Lion, Loki, Loretta, Louie ('15), Louie ('22), Louise, Lucky, Lucy, Luna, Luna ('17), Lunar M Magic, Manny, Mars, Mary Kate, Meso, Midge, Mila, Millie, Misty, Moon, Moose, Mossy, Muffin, Murphy, Muselix, Myers N Nike, Nina, Niv, Noodles, Nooner, Nordique O Oak, Oilers, Olaf, Ollie, Oman, Oscar, Otter, Owl P Pancake, Patsy, Peach, Penny ('16), Penny ('24), Pez, Pharaoh, Picasso, Ping, Piper, Pique, Pluto, Poppy, Porsche, Pumpkin Q Question R Raven, Red, Reggie, River, Robbie, Rocket ('13), Rocket ('23), Rocky, Rolo, Rondy, Roo S Samwell, Santana, Sapporo, Sassy, Saturn, Sausage, Schwartz, Serabe, Shanti, Shazaam, Shining, Shrek, Siku, Silly, Sinatra, Sitka, Sky, Smokey, Snail, Snickers, Snow, Sonny, Sparkle, Sparky, Spinner, Splash, Star, Stella, Stevie, Storm, Stuart, Summer ('13), Summer ('15), Sun, Sweetie T Tag, Teddy, Tig, Tiger, TJ, Toledo, Trixie, Troy, Trudy, Tuba, Tucker, Twister, Typhoon U V Vinnie, Vixen W Wasp, Watsit, Weasley, Whiney, Whistle, Whistler, Whitman, Wiggles, Willow, Willy, Willy's puppies 1, 2 + 3 X Y Yale, Yamaha, Yang, Ying Z Zazou, Zeus, Ziggy, Zouave |
Abby, Ash, Barca, ChiChi, Comet, Cuddles, Dusty, Galute, Gracie, Grey, Luna (1), Magic, Rocky, Shazaam, Shrek, Stella, Vixen 2013 Arctic, Big, Blizzard, Boo, Bowser, Buzz, Cain, Chief, Chocolate, Candy, Cleo, Cola, Daffy, Dandelion, Eagle, Ford, Gretzky, Griffindor, Gummi Bear, Heineken, Honda, Hooters, Hurricane, Ice, Igloo, Inky, Jet, Joffre, Johnny, Kawasaki, Kayla, Kilo, Kirby, Lady, Lucky, Manny, Misty, Moon, Muffin, Muselix, Myers, Niv, Noodles, Nooner, Nordique, Oilers, Owl, Pancake, Pez, Ping, Pique, Question, Reggie, River, Rocket, Rolo, Sapporo, Sausage, Siku, Silly, Sky, Snow, Sonny, Summer (1), Sun, Trudy, Tuba, Tucker, Whiney, Wiggles, Yamaha 2014 Apex, Birch, Bubba, Cello, Charlie (1), Colby, Dave, Digger, Felix, Frankie, Mars, Poppy, Punk, Schwartz, Shivers, Sinatra, Sitka, Snail, Typhoon, Wasp, Weasley, Whistler 2015 Berta, Betty, Cherry, Cocoa, Cutie, Daisy, Farmer, Fiddle, Goldie, Goofy, Jasper, Kirika, Lefty, Louie, Lucy, Murphy, Nina, Ollie, Otter, Piper, Red, Storm, Summer (2), Tag, Trixie, Whistle, Zazou 2016 Calli, Chase, Copper, Eskobar, Keeva, Kismet, Knik, Midge, Moose, Penny, Rondy, Sassy, Stuart, Whitman, Ziggy 2017 Ashley, Beamie, Charlie (2), Coyote, Eva, Flash, Jack, Luna (2), Mary Kate, Mila, Pharaoh, Roo, Santana, TJ, Zeus 2018 Arwen, Bella, Echo, Hopper, Kepler, Picasso, Pluto 2019 Bran, Smokey 2020 Camino, Casey, Jo, Kit, Millie, Mossy, Splash, Vinnie 2021 Ace, Bamboo, Batman, Bear, Biggie, Bruno, Cally, Cap, Catty, Centurion, Ginny, Herman, Ice, Kerri, Loki, Meso, Portia, Pumpkin, Saturn, Sparkle, Stevie, Teddy, Tig, Toledo 2022 Angel, Argus, Clyde, Cruz, Echo, Jack, Kayou, Louie, Louise, Nike, Oman, Oscar, Peach, Samwell, Serabe, Snickers, Sparky, Sweetie, Tiger, Troy, Twister 2023 Baloo (BigBoy), Black, Blue, Blue's puppy #1, Blue's puppy #2, Blue's puppy #3, Gino, Goose, Idéfix, Jon Snow, Keni, Olaf, Patsy, Raven, Robbie, Rocket, Shining, Spinner, Star, Watsit, Willy, Willy's puppy #1, Willy's puppy #2 (now Yukon), Willy's puppy #3 (now Dawson), Yale, Yang, Ying, Zouave 2024 Gadget, Hailey, Homer, June(bug), Loretta, Oak, Penny, Shanti |