Something cool happened yesterday... I got to meet a new sleddie!
My friend Heather, who has a lovely ol' sleddie named Fiddle, jumped at the chance of fostering a young, newly retired sleddie named Bran for a local rescue. Even though Fiddle is 14 she is nothing but sweet and gentle and along with her other brother Ralph (not pictured), they're doing a great job showing Bran about being a house dog and that it was ok to take treats from me! The info about Bran I was able to glean is he came from a smaller, recreational operation in the Yukon. He’s about 2 years old and the musher said that he just didn’t want to be a sled dog. I’m not sure what that means on the musher’s side of things but his foster home says that he’s a total snuggler. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, he wants to be up on your lap and snuggle. He loves people and although is a bit shy at first - something quite normal for dogs who are new into care - he warmed up quickly and took all the pets I could share. **UPDATE** Shortly after writing and sharing this post I got some more information about Bran and his background and why he needs a new home: "When Bran was a pup he ate a rock and required surgery to remove it from his intestines. He subsequently spent a lot of his time inside recovering while growing up, so prefers the inside house dog life. His owner, “the musher” takes very good care of her dogs, rescues dogs from other places, and if they do not want to run/pull or would prefer to be house dogs then she finds them suitable pet homes. She contacted us when she was unable to find suitable homes in her area. She paid the shipping and crate expense to send Bran and Yam to Victoria. Yam and Bran are adjusting to indoor life, but they are very well socialized and have been around cats, babies, and are very good with other dogs and people. " I’m thankful the musher saw he was not cut out for sled dog life and instead of forcing him to pull, selling him or euthanizing him, Bran made his way into the care of a rescue. He has since been neutered and the rescue will now work on finding him a super home. Last but not least, I should also mention that Bran is a fantastic head-tilter and will show you his impressive extension for *just* the right sound! Welcome to sleddie life Bran! Thanks to The Farm rescue for helping him and to Heather and her family for fostering him and helping him along this journey! Please click on the thumbnails to see Bran + Fiddle in all their glory. Comments are closed.
July 2024