Pique passed away last yesterday, Friday, September 13. As a survivor of the Whistler sled dog cull, this gal landed in the lap of luxury at her adopted home and lived to almost 15 years old. I was lucky enough to go on many adventures with her and her family over the years - she was always a sweetheart. Within the circle of retired sleddies I know, she is predeceased by her biological sister Question and adopted brother Sonny. She leaves behind her foster brother Coyote, her adopted brother Shrekkie and a whole bunch of family and friends who loved her to the ends of the earth. Not one to turn down a treat, Pique would look at you with her eyes as blue as the sky and you would submit to her wishes. Rest in peace and love Pique. xo A combination of feeling the creative bug and ChiChi's upcoming birthday so my dog dorks came to my studio so we could all hang out working a little bit on art and lot on snuggling dogs.
Sleddie roll call: ChiChi, Cola, Niv, River, Question, Daffy + Apex Also special appearance by Saru and a wee little Coco (photo 3) Today is ChiChi's 10th birthday so to celebrate we went to the Lagoon... rain be damned.
The dogs outnumbered the humans (the way it should be) and the small ones kept up with the tall ones. Plus it was Cola's first trip with this gang to the lagoon and he had a blast. We started off with a toast to the birthday girl and then wandered up the beach and back down with ChiChi making sure to explore everything along the way... she even went into the ocean and got caught by a wave. We thought that might stop her, but nope... she shook it off (all over my lens) and then went back to adventure time - even snagging Lola's stick and making a break for it. And since Heather isn't allowed to run right now, I hung my camera around her neck and stole Cola so I could run him down the beach... and man that boy can RUN! (Thank you Heather for taking some photos!). After we got back to the cars, we had a little photo op in which NO ONE looked at my camera (not the first time, won't be the last!) so we said our goodbyes... and as I watched Shannon walk away with the dogs, I could see that ChiChi was ready to do it all over again! Happy Birthday Chi Chi, you really are the happiest dog in the world. My apologies for the wet lens, but that's just the way it goes when you're celebrating a dog's birthday on a rainy day on the beach. Thanks gang for such a fun afternoon! Sleddie roll call: ChiChi + Cola Sleddie friends: Lola, Saru, Mr Coco + Wee Coco This is about Cola.
And how he was adopted into an amazingly lovely home. But... he has poor eyesight and things that move unpredictably (like kids) can scare him... especially indoors. So the tough decision was made to find him a new home. Enter Heather, Chris + Saru. Cola arrived at their house last night and so far Saru (the Shiba) and the two cats are cool with him... and Cola's cool with them. I met Cola last year while he was still up at the kennels in Whistler. He was the only dog, out of 43, that didn't come out of his igloo. I had never seen his whole body in real life. I hadn't seen just how crossed his beautiful blue eyes were either, until our Scafe Hill group walk last month. Kennel mate ChiChi came over for a visit and they got to sniff noses again (adorable) and romp in the yard. Next door neighbour Bandi said hello through the fence. Extra care went into ensuring Saru didn't feel left out. Then all 3 dogs had some chill out time and of course lots of photo ops. I look forward to seeing how Cola settles... updates to come! Big dogs, medium dogs and one low-rider.
A walk to Scafe Hill with Chi Chi & Lola, Lion & Nordique, Grey Grey and Kola (Cola), Niv & Siku, Sigmond (the wee Eskimo dog), Saru the Shiba and the teeny Coco... and their people. Pit stops for treats, loves and chats and sniffs. This is a re-edit from the original post, "a dog walk in selenium blue". It also includes the moment former kennel mates ChiChi and Cola really got to get a good sniff of each other because it's too cute. |
July 2024